Whether you’re in Hungary or abroad, there’s a lot you can do if you align with what the Tisza Party is trying to achieve. Here are just some ideas:
Follow Tisza & Magyar Peter on social media
Above all, keep informed about what Magyar Peter stands for, what Tisza is up to, and what’s happening next. Here are the key channels to follow:
Subscribe to Tisza's newsletter
Get updates direct to your inbox by signing up to Tisza’s newsletter here. It’s in English, but you can use Google Translate.
Join a "Tisza sziget"
Tisza sziget is Hungarian for Tisza islands and there are hundreds of them popping up all over Hungary — and even in Hungarian communities across the world. Join a club or start a club here. Please note joining a Tisza sziget does not mean you are a signing up as an official member of the party.
Sign up as a future leader
If you live in Hungary and can see yourself as a future leader or someone who can make a professional contribution to Tisza, you can get more information here.
Join "Talpra Magyarok!"
The movemenet associated with Tisza and also led by Magyar Peter is called “Talpra Magyarok!” (kind of like “On your feet, Hungarians!” They offer ways for you to volunteer and donate. More info here.
Make a donation
You can make a one-off donation or sign up for varying levels of “system-change membership,” which entails a monthly fee here. Please note, this kind of “Rendszerváltó tagság” does not equate to being a member of the party.
If you are in Hungary there will always be volunteering opportunities, whether it’s at an event or on polling day. Sign up here. If you live abroad but feel there’s a way you could still contribute then it’s probably still worth getting in touch with them to see if you can help.
Apply to be a member of the party
Talk to others
Stay informed and then help spread the word to others. A lot of people don’t care much about politics or only follow it in a superficial way but if Tisza is of interest to you then you can find ways to make it relevant to your friends and family.
Buy merch
Wearing Tisza merch both helps the party financially but also boosts the profile of the party. You can get everything from t-shirts and hats to pins and flags here.
Attend a Tisza event
If you are lucky enough to be in Hungary, keep an eye out for an upcoming Tisza event.
Vote for Tisza & take others with you
Ultimately, the only way for Tisza’s policies to be put in place is for Tisza to win at the next election. If you are eligible to vote, please vote and encourage friends and family to do the same.
Provide your opinion on the future of Hungary
Tisza sometimes sets up short surveys asking you how you would shape the future of Hungary. Take the survey.
Contribute your skills
If you have a specific a skill to contribute, time to volunteer, want to be involved in a movement, then you can fill in this form here.